Yes- I sat and listened as I heard donkeys, dauphins, lions, cats, monkeys, and some more wild noises on the side of a busy street in Rome while I had a nice big bowl of gelato. These wild animals are your children! Fun times as we all ate gelato and played a serious game of zoo!
Imagine with me a nice gelatoria, quiet with a few locals. Suddenly out of nowhere like a tornado of teenage fun we bounce in. Thankfully we are entertaining enough that others are not mad but somewhere between impressed and confused- either way they were having fun too! This was certainly a nice way to slow down before we prayed together and headed for bed.
It was a good day, busy! We woke in Assisi on the feast of St. Clare and the fifteen went early to visit her. We were really the only ones in there- that was amazing. Afterwords we headed to Rome to the Catacombs for mass and a tour. We saw the tomb of St. Cecelia and walked through these narrow passages going four stories down where over 600,000 early Christians were buried. We visited St. Paul's outside the walls and finally to the hotel for dinner.
We had fun! This not a surprise considering what incredible kids we have on this pilgrimage. I am still impressed to see them pray and grow and mature. Earliest morning of the journey tomorrow 5:45 to head for mass St. Peter's!
(if you do not know how to play zoo, please ask them to show you when they return. It is not something to be missed!)
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