Saturday, August 20, 2011

Spiritual Maturity

Last night we sat together and talked about the trip so far. "What has God been saying to you on this pilgrimage?" I was so happy to hear the depth of each of their stories. The depth of their prayers were bearing fruit. I am very proud of our students. They each have received so much from this pilgrimage and it shows.
We are known here as "the Alabama group." this is in no way a bad thing in fact. They all love us. We are unique. They certainly have fun and are capable of being goofy or really of just being teens. On the other hand they are very mature in their spiritual lives and knowledge of the faith. Several times I have had people comment to me "your teens are amazing" or "your teens have a very strong faith." I am not surprised by this. I am very proud of them.
Mobile has been represented well to all the world on this pilgrimage!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. We are just so thrilled that you all have been able to have this experience and can't wait to hear all the details and see all the pictures. Even more so, we can't wait to have you all home and light a fire in the whole archdiocese. What a testament!

  2. We need these pilgrims to come back and share the fire with everyone! We are very excited about the impact they will have on so many!
